20 Mind Blowing Local SEO Statistics, showing exactly how much local SEO is dominating Google searches in 2022.
It is no surprise that local SEO is now one of the most important ways for small businesses to market their business online. Having grown exponentially over the past five years, local SEO is now an integral search marketing strategy for businesses.
In this list, we have gathered 20 local SEO statistics, independently fact checked against agency data and algorithm search data, showcasing how powerful local SEO is for small businesses. Off the back of the Penguin 3.0 algorithm update, circa 2014, Google gave small businesses a chance to rank for their products and services. Since this integral algorithm update, small businesses in every industry have been able to leverage the power of local SEO for their businesses.
After a comprehensive fact check of these local SEO statistics against agency data, it has been revealed that there is an overwhelming amount of traffic that businesses can harness through the power of local SEO for their search marketing campaigns.
Without further ado, let’s jump into these mind blowing local SEO statistics.
1. 98% of Google consumers searched online to find a local business.
Google users, particularly consumers looking for local businesses, are increasing their search frequency to find local businesses in their area. Independently fact checked local statistics also reveal that over 65% of consumers are making these searches twice a month. It is no surprise that local businesses are reaping the rewards of this exponential growth through local searches.
2. 1.8 billion searches are conducted every month relating to location search.

A whopping 1.8 billion searches, every single month, include location intent in the search. When it comes to local SEO, it is no surprise that businesses are specifically targeting keywords that include their service and location. With 1.8 billion monthly searches of consumers looking for services and local businesses in your area, local SEO is critical.
3. 86% of local mobile searches result in real time purchases.
Did you know that once a consumer has searched for a local business, product or service on mobile, 86% of the time they follow through with a purchase? Mobile traffic is hyper targeted and there is a clear correlation between buyer readiness and mobile search. It is no wonder that responsive website design has become a critical local SEO factor.
4. 65% of “near me” Google searches result in an in store visit.
With “near me” and “close by” searches growing by over 900% in the past 24 months, it shouldn’t be a surprise that 65% of these Google searches result in an in store visit. Google users will also use these “near me” searches to browse reviews, check opening times and verify local businesses authenticity. Ensuring that your business is optimised for these “near me” searches is a quick way to grow your traffic through local SEO.
5. 58% of Google searches include location intent.
More than half of all Google searches now include location intent. Essentially, location intent means that consumers are looking to engage with local businesses or services within their local area. Buying and shopping locally is as popular as ever! There is a clear push forward in consumers wanting to engage businesses within their local area.
6. 81% of local consumers will contact a business based on reviews.

Google reviews aren’t just a trust signal for Google and local SEO; 81% of local consumers will make a decision to contact a business based on their reviews. It is now more important than ever to ensure you are receiving positive reviews on your Google My Business profile. Beyond receiving positive Google reviews, a further 68% of consumers see Google review responses by the business back to the consumer as a positive indicator of the businesses customer service.
7. 93% of local consumers search Google Maps to find local service providers.
Google Maps searches are being used by almost every single Google user. This means that when a consumer is looking for a local service or business; 93% of them will use Google Maps to locate a business nearby. It doesn’t matter if its’ a department store or a local plumber, consumers are using Maps more than ever.
8. 78% of Google users will distrust businesses if they don’t have an online presence.
It’s no surprise that an overwhelming majority of consumers distrust businesses without an online presence. Local SEO statistics show that an overwhelming 78% of Google users will distrust and not engage with a business if they don’t have an online presence. A well executed digital presence extends beyond a website, with 64% of consumers expecting businesses to have an active social media presence.
9. 59% of Google My Business profiles remain unclaimed by local businesses.
With local SEO becoming incredibly popular and utilised by so many businesses, around 59% of businesses are yet to harness the power of local SEO. 59% of Google My Business profiles remain unclaimed, which means there are 59% of local businesses missing out on such a powerful marketing tool for their local business.
10. 47% of Google users search for local service providers every week.
A large number of Google users are searching for local businesses and services on a weekly basis; 47% to be exact. The local SEO statistic further shows how engaged Google consumers are with local search. Clearly showing that Google consumers not only heavily rely on local search to find businesses and services providers, it shows a clear indication that most consumers have a positive experience when engaging with local businesses found through search.
11. Local searches result in purchases 32% of the time.
With all of these local statistics, you may be wondering how effective it is for the bottom line of small businesses. 32% of local searches result in purchases which is a large amount when you consider the volume of monthly searches conducted searching for small businesses.
12. Negative Google reviews stop 45% of consumers contacting local businesses.

Negative Google reviews can be an absolute pain for small businesses and as a result, online reputation management services have grown rapidly in popularity. This local SEO statistic is a clear sign that negative Google reviews can have a detrimental impact not only your rankings, but also consumer perception of your business. 45% of consumers who see negative reviews for a business will not contact that particular business.
13. 59% of local users view Google My Business images before making a purchase.
Ever wondered how important your Google My Business image updates are? They are incredibly important! 59% of local users will view Google My Business profile images and customer uploads before making a purchase. This is particularly important for businesses that offer a highly visual service, such as businesses in the hospitality and home building industries.
14. 61% of mobile users will contact a local business if they have a responsive website.
Mobile responsive websites have long been touted as the pinnacle of website design and we have always understood the importance from a UI perspective. However, with an overwhelming number of Google searches conducted on mobile each month, local SEO statistics now show that 61% of mobile users will contact a business if they have a responsive website. It is now more important than ever for local SEO to ensure your website is completely mobile responsive.
15. By 2023, mobile devices will influence $2.1 trillion in local business sales.
A mind boggling $2.1 trillion in local business sales will be influenced by local mobile searches. This is a giant number of global sales, with local businesses getting a large piece of that pie through local SEO. With 86% of mobile searches resulting in real time purchases through local SEO, this number will continue to climb over the coming years for small local businesses.
16. “Near me” searches have grown by over 900% in the past two years.

With a 900% increase over the past two years, “near me” searches are a clear indicator of just how integral local SEO is becoming. With “near me” searches being designed specifically for local business, this growth further backs the exponential growth in the local SEO space. It is crucial for all local businesses to ensure they are properly optimised for “near me” and “close by” searches.
17. 78% of desktop users expect location targeted ads in the search results.
Stepping away from mobile searches for a moment, local SEO statistics report that 78% of desktop users expect location specific ads when searching Google. This shows a consumer move from dealing with companies at a national level, and shows a move towards working with companies in their postcode. While local SEO is increasingly important, this shows that local PPC is integral too.
18. 95% of consumers will choose businesses on the first page of Google.
With the first 3 results on Google getting around 67% of the total clicks, 95% of consumers will choose a business from the front page of Google. This continues to show that if you’re not on the first page of Google, you are practically invisible when it comes to consumers searching for your products or services. Local SEO providers have a clear directive to ensure their clients are within the first 3 results, and at minimum on the first page, for their local keyword search terms.
19. 4 in 5 consumers, worldwide, use local search to find information about local businesses.
This global local SEO statistic shows that 4 in 5 consumers will use search engines to further research a business. If a Google search turns back with no results for a particular business, it is shown that 78% of consumers will distrust this business. It is now more important than ever for local businesses to ensure they have an active digital presence.
20. Local businesses using local search effectively, increase profit margins by 225%.
With a number of data points across our local SEO statistics, this statistic is the most important for small businesses looking to increase sales through local SEO. Small businesses with an effective local SEO strategy increase profit margins by 225% on average. Without an effective local SEO strategy, small businesses are leaving money on the table.
The Verdict On Local SEO
With rapid growth over the past 5 years, local SEO is now a critical component for a businesses digital marketing strategy. These local SEO statistics go to show just how much the local SEO space is growing, and why local SEO is something that all local businesses need to implement. With the rapid growth of the local SEO space over the past few years, and most businesses servicing local clients, it is critical for businesses to optimise for local search.
With a well crafted, properly executed strategy by a local SEO provider, businesses will be able to harness this powerful form of digital marketing for their business. For information on the costs of local SEO, we recommend reading our local SEO pricing guide.
At Australian Web Experts, we highly recommend ensuring your business is considering local SEO to stay ahead of the competition.
Local SEO will continue to change moving through 2022 and beyond, our team of local SEO experts will continue to monitor the Google algorithm data alongside our own local SEO campaigns.
We intend to keep this list updated with relevant information and we will keep you posted with how local SEO continues to grow!